Friday, May 23, 2008

Why I Changed Physicians

I had been seeing Jeff Chung at Medical Multispecialty Association in Fair Lawn. Good, caring, young doctor.
Then I got a phone call. Dr. Chung had left the practice. Which of the other doctors did I want to see? I chose Jeffrey R. Lefkowitz--after being given 2 or 3 names. I don't know him from Adam.

I wasn't told why Dr. Chung had left the practice, or where he had gone. I was just ordered to make a choice.

It occurred to me: The last time I had visited Dr. Chung he had told me to have a scan made of my left calf--I had pain there, after playing tennis, and it might be a blood clot. Have it as soon as possible, he said.
So I went to the desk, and the nurse said: You have to have the scan made here. The earliest date: A month and a half from now. So I set a date. She was clearly annoyed at me for trying to come up with an earlier date.

Actually, I made a mistake: I thought the appointment was in 2 weeks, not much later. So much for having the scan done quickly! No recommendation that I go elsewhere, even though Dr. C. wanted it done quickly. But the pain went away, indicating that it was, as Dr. C. suspected, just a muscle problem, and I canceled the appointment.

I also remembered that Dr. C. changed a medication for me--lowering the dosage. But his staff ordered the same medication--and CVS wouldn't switch it, saying it was the doctor's office's mistake. So I had to pay for the wrong medication. (Only $5.) Staff also ordered the prescription from the wrong CVS, causing me to make two trips.

So...a doctor I met recently recommended his own physician, who lives near me. Affiliated with Hackensack H., although I would have preferred Valley. But I made an appointment with him and shall cancel the appolintment with Dr. Lefkowitz.